Monday, October 14, 2013

Lincoln’s Twitter-powered, Jimmy Fallon-guided Super Bowl ad quirks out

Every generation gets the shaming it deserves, and after watching the Lincoln Motor Company's Super Bowl ad built from tweets by Jimmy Fallon's fans, I now know what cultural sins my age cohort will have to face some day. To Lincoln's credit, the 2013 MKZ looks free of dust in its shots, there's a funny disclaimer joke and television can always use more Wil Wheaton. On the other side of the ledger, this is a parody of a pastiche of a paste-up: word salad posing as advertising, from people freelancing as marketers, for an automaker selling a simulacrum of luxury. The logical next step from here will be for Lincoln to add the pound sign to its corporate name and turn #Lincoln into "the hashtag of luxury." Forget about self-driving cars; the future belongs to what's trending.

Source: Yahoo!

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