Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Driver who videoed fast lap on Manhattan streets snared by NYPD

The name "Afroduck" went viral last week, after its creator posted a YouTube video claiming he recorded the fastest lap ever around Manhattan, completing the 26.5-mile run in just over 24 minutes. He then proceeded to boast about how you "can't identify who I am," and felt certain that New York's many speed and surveillance cameras, along with license plate detectors, wouldn't catch him.

You can guess what happens next.

New York police arrested one Christopher Tang, 30, on Thursday night and charged him with speed violations, reckless endangerment, traffic device violation and reckless driving — thanks to his own video.

After Afroduck's video circulated online, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly vowed to hunt the driver down and bring him to justice. Averaging well over 60 mph in a 2006 BMW Z4, weaving through Manhattan's notorious traffic, Afroduck chopped off cabbies, narrowly missed fellow road users, and generally acted dangerously. His time of 24 minutes bests the apparent previous record of 26 minutes for the loop held by a group named CBC, set in 2010.

Lapping Manhattan has been an underground sport for several years, and the advent of car-borne cameras has made it easier for daredevils to boast about their dangerous runs. The difference with previous record-holders is they waited to release the footage, making it tougher for police to identify the drivers. Afroduck, however, could not wait to share news of his claimed record. But if you're stupid enough to turn Manhattan's public streets into a private race course — which still have other users, even at 3 a.m. — reason probably isn't your strongest trait.

As part of his online publicity campaign, Afroduck contended he had taken care during his stunt, because "being a fast driver doesn't mean that you're inherently a bad or reckless driver." It also doesn't save one from being an idiot.

Source: Yahoo!

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