Wednesday, October 16, 2013

1934 Packard wins Best of Show at Pebble Beach

1934 Packard 1108 Twelve Dietrich Convertible VictoriaThe 2013 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance has drawn to a close, and the top award went to Joseph and Margie Cassini III for their 1934 Packard 1108 Twelve Dietrich Convertible Victoria.


This is Cassini’s second time winning the Best of Show trophy. In 2004 his 1938 Horch 853A Erdmann & Rossi Sport Cabriolet also earned the most votes.


We’ll have more photos and details about this year’s Best of Show winner soon. Check back with us at for more Pebble Concours coverage as well as stories and galleries from other events that took place during the Monterey motoring weekend.

Source: MSN

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