Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Do’s and Don’ts For Your Holiday Road Trip

Before you pack the kids in the car and begin the first verse of 99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall, make sure your holiday trip is on the road to success by following these simple do’s and don’ts for holiday travels.


Give your car a tune-up before you hit the road. Get an oil change and change the filters if you haven’t done so recently. Check your belts, headlights, brake lights and turn signals as well as your windshield wipers to make sure they’re functioning correctly. Your tires are also extremely important to inspect before getting on the road, especially if you live in or are traveling to an area with cold weather and ice. The best way to make sure your care is safe and prepped for a holiday road trip is to have it inspected by a professional mechanic.


Forget to pack safety gear in your car. You should always have jumper cables, a spare tire, a first-aid kit and a cellphone charger in the car in case of emergencies. You should also check to make sure your registration and insurance information are in the glove box or somewhere that offers easy access. Pack snacks for the kids as well as games, movies, audio books and other ways to keep the kids entertained and happy for several long hours in the car.


Make a great road trip music mix. Create a couple of playlists with your favorite songs to keep you entertained while you’re behind the wheel. It’s not a bad idea to pack it with fun, upbeat songs you can sing along with to stay awake, especially if you plan on driving home at night with heavy eyelids and a belly full of carb-filled holiday food.


Drink too many fluids. If you’ve got kids in the car, a couple of juice boxes can quickly turn into four or five pit stops that could slow you down or cause you to hit heavier traffic. Make sure everyone stays happy and hydrated, but discourage your passengers from drinking more than they need. Another drink that can quickly turn into a disaster for parents of small children on long road trips? Milkshakes.


Stop to get out and stretch your legs when you need to. Sitting still for several hours straight can have harmful, long-lasting effects on your body, and it just doesn’t feel good besides. Pull over at a rest stop or find a restaurant for dinner and walk around a bit. If you’re stuck in a ten-mile long traffic jam, try some road-trip calisthenics behind the wheel: roll your shoulders, flex your back and stretch your neck.


Try speeding or dangerously maneuvering around traffic. Sometimes it’s best to wait to travel until the roads are clear. Traffic typically is heaviest in the last few hours leading up to the holiday. Try leaving several days in advance or even traveling the day of to take advantage of open roads and still make it in plenty of time to celebrate with the family.

Most of all, make sure your gathering will be a celebration. Get to your destination safely with your family, and have a great time. It might take a few minutes longer, but you’ll still have plenty of quality time with the people you love.

Source: AutoInsurance

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