Saturday, September 21, 2013

Video: Speeding McLaren takes pictures of fake speeding McLaren from 'Forza 5'

A McLaren MP4-12C raced around Barber Motorsports Park just outside of Birmingham, Ala., taking pictures of fake static pictures of a McLaren P1, and the result was something worth watching.

Confused? That was our reaction, too. Allow us to attempt to explain.


The folks at "Forza Motorsport 5" partnered up with McLaren to create a zoetrope, which works essentially like a flip-book, creating "moving" images by showing single frames in rapid succession. (Except this was a much more expensive zoetrope than your typical one. Not that you're likely to have been watching a lot of zoetropes these days, but still.) Directed by Jeff Zwart, a photographer, filmmaker and race car driver (the renaissance man of car nerds worldwide), the effort took months to put together.

(Disclosure: MSN is owned by Microsoft, which also owns Xbox and is affiliated with Forza.)


Here's a teaser of the finished product, a film called "Forza Filmspeed." Even if you're jaded enough to watch all the way through and think "Well, that was pointless," you still have to admit that the concept is pretty cool. And everything's better with a touching piano track in the background to create emotion.

Positioned along much of Barber Motorsports Park were hundreds of aluminum boards, each featuring a frame of action from "Forza Motorsports 5." The boards were positioned exactly 6 inches apart, which meant that the real McLaren would have to be going 120 mph to have an accurate moving picture of the game. Not a problem for an MP4, you say – but this one was outfitted with hundreds of pounds of Hollywood's finest camera equipment in the back. Yeah, still no problem for the 616-horsepower MP4. We were just trying to create drama.


So why did all of these people team up and film a video of a really expensive car going fast in a video game as seen from a really expensive car going fast in real life? Because they could. "Forza Motorsport" has no trouble selling copies with each new evolution, and "Forza Motorsport 5" will be no exception to the rule. The game comes out on Nov. 22, along with the Xbox One console, and yes, we'll be picking up a copy.


[Source: Xbox; Photo: Xbox]

Source: MSN

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