Friday, September 6, 2013

Spring Cleaning for Your Car

You spent your entire last weekend spring cleaning your home, and you’re all ready to sit back and enjoy a chore-free weekend, right?

Wrong. This weekend, it’s your car’s turn to enjoy being bathed, pampered and prepared to meet the summer heat. You know it needs it, and if you don’t get started soon the local ant contingency is going to make the area underneath your seats their number one summer destination. You don’t want that, do you?

Time for a tune up!

Winter can be hard on your car, so this is the perfect time to take it in for a tune up. Here are a few items to put on the checklist that may need addressing:

  • Oil
  • Washer fluid
  • Vents
  • Spark plugs
  • Filters
  • Ignition wires
  • Distribution cap and rotors

Car wash — inside and out

Either do it yourself, or take your car to the local car wash and give both the interior and exterior a thorough, detailed cleaning. Consider the salt and chemicals that are sprayed on the roads to deal with the snow, particularly if you live in a colder region, and make sure the underside of your car is included in the wash.

Go through the glove compartment and get rid of any random things that have ended up in there. On that note, make sure you have your car owner’s manual inside along with your current registration and auto insurance card in case you ever need them. Better yet, get something to keep the registration and insurance card together.

Emergency supplies

There are certain items that should be in your car at all times in case of an accident or simply running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to gather them all together in a container that fits easily inside. Fill it with items such as these:

  • Flashlight
  • Warm blanket, hat, gloves and scarf
  • First-aid kit
  • Fix-a-flat
  • Jumper cables
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Portable battery charger
  • Tire air gauge
  • Road flares
  • Extra batteries
  • Non-perishable snacks such as nuts and dried fruit

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. Taking care of your car this season will give you a fresh start on all fronts. Not only will it make your driving time more enjoyable; it may very well prevent costly damage to your vehicle that could lead to expensive insurance claims. What are you waiting for?

Source: AutoInsurance

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