If you are over the age of 80, chances are you've had years of experience on the road. However, while you may enjoy lower car insurance premiums than younger, less experienced drivers, it can still be a significant expense if you are relying on a state pension.
That's why it's important to make sure you get the best deal over 80s car insurance deal possible - and MoneySupermarket is on hand to help you do just that.
The impact of the ECJ ruling
Previously, women have had it easier than men in the car insurance arena as they benefited from lower insurance premiums. Statistically, they were seen to pose less of a risk out on the roads than men, but at the end of 2012 all this changed.
This was because The European Court of Justice ruled that insurers could no longer take gender into account when calculating car insurance prices. The 'EU Gender Directive' has therefore afforded men a drop in the price of their insurance, but women have experienced the opposite - making it all the more important to shop around for cover to get the cheapest car insurance for over 80s motorists available.
Continuous Insurance Enforcement
Car insurance is not optional - it is a legal requirement. There has been a recent clampdown on uninsured drivers by the government with the introduction of Continuous Insurance Enforcement. Now, every single car - even those off the road - has to be insured unless the car is declared SORN.
Steep penalties will arise for those who don't comply with the regulations. These could include a fine, court prosecution or your car being seized and disposed of.
Ways to get cheap car insurance for over 80s motorists
While car insurance for over 80s isn't cheap, there are certainly things you can do to keep costs down. Here are some tips:
Avoid performance enhancing modifications
Don't make performance enhancing modifications to your car as, although they might enhance its performance, modifications can have a negative effect on your premium. Therefore, steer clear to keep costs down.
Consider additional security
However, not all modified car insurance premiums will necessarily be more expensive. If you install security features such as alarms and immobilisers it will reassure insurers that every measure is being taken to make sure your car isn't a target for thieves. Ultimately this will make it statistically less likely that a claim will be made.
Car insurance groups
When buying a new car, find out which car insurance group your vehicle is in. All cars are categorised into a particular group, ranging from one to 50. Vehicles assigned to lower car insurance groups will attract cheaper premiums, while those in a higher group will result in more expensive over 80s car insurance quotes. The group your car is in is determined by factors such as performance, security and the cost of repairs.
Additional features
While it's important to keep costs down, there may be additional features you want to add on to your policy such as breakdown cover or legal protection. Remember, that in the case of insurance, cheapest isn't always best - weigh up your options carefully to work out what is most beneficial for you.
Shop online
A number of insurance providers offer a discount for those who choose to buy their policy over the internet. This is an easy way to get cheap car insurance for over 80s motorists.
Watch your mileage
You will have to let the insurance company know how many miles you are likely to clock up in a year. If you can cut down the amount of driving you do - for example by arranging a car share or getting public transport every so often - then you could experience lower premiums.
Shop around
Insurers don't reward loyalty and they rely on the apathy of people to just auto-renew. Use MoneySupermarket's car insurance channel to get over 80s car insurance quotes and find the best deal.
Source: MoneySupermarket
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