Sunday, September 15, 2013

Stand a better chance of a cheaper car insurance deal with MoneySupermarket 

As a driver you'll know that car insurance is a legal requirement, unless you've got permission from the DVLA to keep your vehicle off the road and uninsured. For this you'll need a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), which involves surrendering your tax disc - and you'll have to reapply if you want to drive the car again. So it's not a quick and easy dip-in-and-out option.

So given that car insurance is a legal must-have (and a common sense purchase as well) you'll want to make sure you pick the right car insurance policy from the types that are available, and get the most competitive deal. Along the way, you'll probably have some questions that need answering.

Fortunately, there is a wealth of car insurance information on MoneySupermarket to help guide you towards the best policy for you.

A Guide to Car Insurance

For example, there is an overview of all the intricacies of the car insurance market in our car insurance guide.

This includes details of the three types of cover available: third-party, third party, fire and theft, and comprehensive. It also includes information on where to buy a policy and how to select your preferred level of excess (the amount you agree to pay towards the cost of a claim). It also tells you how you can cut the cost of cover, alongside a range of other useful information.

All the latest motor insurance industry news

For all the latest news from the industry you can go to our car insurance news section. This will keep you up-to-date with any changes or news that might affect you and your family.

We also have the MoneySupermarket car insurance blog which is updated on a daily basis with all the latest motoring news.

Specialist needs

Alternatively, do you drive a particular vehicle and need specialist cover? Or are you seeking business car insurance? You may be able to find information tailored to your specific situation in one of our dedicated car insurance guides. You can find specific guides for your vehicle in these guides, so you can make an informed decision.

Car insurance reviews

If you are looking for more guidance on which insurer you should get cover from, you could gauge the opinions of other MoneySupermarket customers on our car insurance reviews section. This way you'll be able to do your research and see what other customers have to say before parting with any cash.

Find cheap car insurance quotes

Car insurance prices are on the rise, alongside the general cost of living. So we aim to help by providing guidance on how to go about this on our money saving tips page. For example, this includes tips such as increasing your excess, building up your no claims discount and boosting security measures on your vehicle.

Comparing policies on MoneySupermarket is another route to slashing the cost of cover, as you can see at a glance which is the cheapest policy for your circumstances. However, make sure to check the terms and conditions so that it meets your needs.

What happens if you come to make a claim?

Making a car insurance claim can be a confusing and complex process, especially at a time of high stress, such as after an accident. To help go to our guide on making car insurance claims which aims to make the process easier.

Here, we steer you through the process to ease the anxiety.

Do you have another burning question on car insurance that you're seeking the answer to?

Some of the most common car insurance questions are featured on our FAQ page. If there are any questions you have which have so far gone unanswered, we'd be keen to hear from you - so you can ask them on our car insurance forum.

Finally, if you're having trouble understanding some of the terms used when picking a policy or making a claim, visit our car insurance glossary, which should help improve your knowledge.

Source: MoneySupermarket

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