Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bedroom desires: Flickr photo of the day

Costing $580,000 back in 1992, the Jaguar XJ220, pictured here courtesy of, stands as one of the most ridiculously beautiful, yet perhaps overpriced and overhyped supercar of its time. And despite that, it hung on the bedroom wall of countless kids — myself included — worldwide, and still to this day evokes lust and desire. Jaguar recently axed its C-X75 supercar, once destined to follow the XJ220, citing economic difficulties as the cause. The point's a fair one, and an issue Jag faced back in '92 with the XJ220. But as that endeavor proved, despite being stupidly expensive, not driving as well as some expected, nor selling as many as originally intended it's still, to this day, my laptop screensaver. That's got to be worth something, right?

If you have a shot to share, make sure you add it to the Motoramic group on Flickr, or send us a message viaTwitter, Facebook and Google+.

Source: Yahoo!

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