Saturday, September 21, 2013

Automobile Insurance by the Numbers

Here’s something you need to know before you start your car this morning. Each year, there are about 12 million wrecks on U.S. roads. Following are some other numbers you ought to keep in mind:

1 – Cyprus ranks among the safest countries in which to drive. The U.S. is the eighth most dangerous, according to

11 – Rank of automobile crashes in 2009 among the leading causes of death in the U.S. It was the first time wrecks ranked outside the Top 10 since 1981.

12 – Every 12 minutes, another person dies in a wreck on U.S. roads.

18 – Percentage of injury wrecks that included distracted driving as a cause.

24-48 – In hours, the maximum amount of time it take for an insurance company adjuster to contact you.

37 – Percentage of U.S. drivers who say they’ve fallen asleep at the wheel.

50 – The number of states that mandate automobile insurance (the District of Columbia does, too).

72 – In thousands, the amount of lives seatbelts saved from 2005 through 2009.

95 – The percent of automobile accidents that involve poor driver performance.

930 – In dollars, the average annual auto premium in Roanoke, VA, the least expensive U.S. city in which to drive.

1,199.66 – In dollars, the average auto insurance premium in the U.S. Do you come in above or below that amount?

6,456 – In dollars, the average annual auto premium in Detroit, the most expensive city in the U.S. in which to drive.

The bottom line: Accidents are too common, and U.S. driving practices are too horrid, for you to go without automobile insurance. Call a licensed agent today to get the lowdown on coverage.

Source: AutoInsurance

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